Updates! New Seasons and Old Friends...
(Beep. Music fades in)
Season 1 has come to a close, and I’m sure that’s been a little bittersweet for you. I mean, it was for me. The story is a little weird, but it’s one that you can get committed to, if you’re open to being committed to it. After all, I think the nature of the narrative creates two possible outcomes and only two outcomes: you either hate it or you get absurdly attached. I mean, second person narratives can be hard to sell.
But I’m not going to get too caught up in my insecurities right now. I have some news.
First and foremost, The Oracle of Dusk will be back with Season 2 on August 6th, and yes, that’s August of this year. I’m taking some time off of work in July to make this happen. But I really want Season 2 to start right away. And that first episode will be uploaded in the evening, central standard time. I think that production schedule and upload time worked for me, so I’m going to keep with it.
Second, a Patreon account for this show is in the works. I’m still thinking about what the various rewards tiers could or should be. And I’m shooting for it to launch around the time Season 2 starts.
Right now, this is a one woman production, if you don’t count music licensing, and that saves quite a bit of production costs, but I’ve been mapping out the future of this show, and well, I’ll need more voices eventually, and I would like to pay the people who own those voices. So I’m starting to get a little worried about how I will be able to afford for the much needed labor to keep the show going. I’m not going to say when this story shift will happen, but it is in the works. Or at least, I hope it can be.
And third, which is also the point where this post comes in. I have an idea. I want to preface it by saying that I understand the point of putting bonus content behind Patreon paywalls. It’s a way to thank the people who go above and beyond in supporting your show. But financial support is just one type (An important type but still…) What about the people who can’t afford to do that but tweet, talk, or post about your show? Who leave plenty of reviews on every listening app? Or who otherwise help grow your audience, which might lead to people finding your show who could afford to buy merchandise or join the Patreon, particularly for any bonus content type perk?
So I’ve been brainstorming a way to make bonus content more communal, and I think I have an idea. Not a great one, but none of my ideas are that “great,” we just make do.
I think there’s room in the stories of the season one clients to check in with them and those in their immediate circles. I mean, our lives are a collection of various moments and narratives, so we doesn’t it make sense to check in every once in a while. And we could make better use of The Oracle of Dusk Ko-Fi account.
Basically, what I’m proposing is that for every 20 coffees on the Ko-Fi account, I will release a bonus episode. Within a week ideally, but I’ll update you on Twitter with the progress. And if you are one of the coffee buyers, you’ll get your name on the wall of supporters on the website. So there’s a little added perk there for you.
Right now, there’s already 6 coffees on the account, so we’ve got a bit of head start. And this might be a stunning failure. But I think for the sake of this whole community, it’s worth trying.
(Music fades out. Beep)