Trailer 1
(Beep. Music fades in)
I have a question for you. Suppose someone knows something bad is going to happen. Or they know something important about another person. Something that needs to be said. Should they say it? Are they under any moral obligation to do so? Would you think less of them of they didn't.
Interesting thought experiment, right? Well, I have one more question for you. (Music cuts) Are you listening?
(Music fades out. Beep)
Trailer 2
(Beep. Music fades in)
I saw you in the store today. I didn't follow you in or anything like that. I was already there. Then you walked it, and I saw you. Once I did, I'm sorry, but I couldn't look away.
I was getting some medicine. You see, I've been having trouble sleeping lately. The… the dreams... are getting harder to ignore. They've been getting more intense and more frequent. I've never fully understood them. And even if I did, that doesn't mean I would know what to do. I just know that if I sleep deeply enough, I don't dream. Or--at least--I don't remember my dreams, and that counts for something. So for a while, I tried something I started calling sleep cycling. I'll be awake for twelve hours and sleep for two. When you're freelancing, a sleeping schedule like isn’t impossible. It’s just not advisable. And you're right, the numbers aren't adding up on that front. It's the only thing that has worked so far, though. Even if it's not sustainable.
Or it did work, for a while. But now I’m dreaming of you again. I don’t know what to do.
Melatonin is supposed to help you sleep, right? That's Plan B. And it’s a completely safe as a plan B. Maybe it’s not the best Plan B I could have. I know what I should do. But I can't do that. It would be too hard for me. I know what I can do, though. The question is: (Music cuts) are you listening? (music fades in)
(Music fades out. Beep.)
Trailer 3
(Beep. Music fades in)
There's something you need to know. (Pause.) Okay, that's a little presumptuous of me because it seems to be implying that I am the handmaiden of some omnipotent cosmic force, and I'm not sure I believe any of that especially the part about me being chosen. In fact, I'm inclined to hope for the very opposite: that I am a being largely ignored by the entire universe.
But at the same time… I think…. (Sigh) It's like I overheard some cosmic whisper. Gossip if that is not strictly a human phenomenon. And now I need to tell someone, preferably you, about it. For many reasons but most of all the selfish one:that I can't be alone with this forever. Or even much longer. I don't think it will kill me, per say, but it's not a chance I want to take. Also it hurts. Greatly.
But on a more altruistic note, I think maybe this is something the universe wants you to know. Take that for what it's worth. Maybe this is a message from a deity or a less defined, all-purpose spirit. Maybe it's aliens, or maybe your long dead relatives are still looking out for you.
Regardless, if it's a message, then I have to deliver it. The messenger has no say. I didn't want to be the messenger, but I am. You may not want to hear it, but you should.
Are you listening? (Music fades in)
(Music fades out. Beep)
Trailer 4
(Beep. Music fades in)
I can't make you listen. I can't make you do anything. If I am a guide, then you are my client. And you are free to ignore me at any time. And you will ignore me. When it becomes too much for you to bear. And then you will come back when the curiosity tips the scale the other way.
I am here for you. It's hard to believe that when we don't even know each other's names. When we didn't chose to work together.
I can't fix much. Call me Delphi.
Now return the favor. And tell me. (Music cuts) Are you listening? (Music fades in)
(Music fades out. Beep.)