Notes from Dusk Desk - Story 9


(Beep. Music fades in.)

Hey, I got your message. And okay, maybe we could have seen this coming. (Sigh) But hey, happy new year, right? I hope you got to enjoy the holiday. If you consider it as much. We never had that conversation. So if not, I hope it was a good day for you. Whatever fits. 

But yeah, that’s the thing with the whole ‘new year, new you,’ mantra. It’s horribly flawed, and so much in fact that it almost cues the overcorrection you were worried about. Yes, someone is going to needlessly double down in the face of the pressure to not become someone else entirely. Even though to be human is to grow and change a bit. To be human is to err, yes, but that mistake itself is not the end of it. I think we forget that apart.

Anyway, I can admit that you were right. 100% right. So let’s get to it. We can talk about the lack of communication between the two of us later.

But for now, dear marble, be wholly and continually thyself. Not a caricature but you.

(Music fades out. Beep.)

Cassandra’s Tales and Truths is a production of Miscellany Media Studios. It is written, edited, performed and produced by MJ Bailey. Additional and episode-specific credits can be found in the show notes. Thanks!