Notes from Dusk Desk - Story 6


(Beep. Music fades in.)

Hey, I got your message. And it felt so familiar that I actually convinced myself that I already responded. Woops. Can you blame me though? It feels like a lesson we go over all the time but never actually learn, you know? Like… Here's an example. I took a classical literature class in college. Come to think of it, is that the right designation? I mean, the class where you read a bunch of Greek plays. You know what happens in all of them, right? People kept trying to rewrite destiny and then the thing that they wanted to avoid happens anyway. Because it was the act of trying to avoid the thing that ended up causing the thing. Not so funny story.

But I get how it keeps happening, right? We want things to go differently sometimes, and I mean different from what we’re told to expect. We want things to go our way, and so we pretty distressed to know that they won’t. But problem is that we don’t fully understand what it means for things to go our way. Or how to orchestrate that. Never have. Still don’t. But hopefully someday will. 

So for now, dear trickster, embrace your fate.

(Music fades out. Beep.)

Cassandra’s Tales and Truths is a production of Miscellany Media Studios. It is written, edited, performed and produced by MJ Bailey. Additional and episode-specific credits can be found in the show notes. Thanks!